Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween survival tips

I happened to watch Halloween 4 last night and realized people just don't know how to deal with scary things. So if you find yourself in a horror movie try to remember these handy tips.....

10. If one of you ends up missing - don't split up to look
9. Don't scream, when you are trying to hide.
8. You will always drop the weapon you have when you need it most, and your perfectly running car will not start either.
7. It's always behind you. If your back's to the wall, it will go through it
6. Begging for your life to a psychotic killer only makes him or her laugh. Save your breath, it may be your last
5. Don't go to the basement, it's not safe. Of course the whole house isn't safe so maybe that doesn't matter
4. Never check to see if the monster is dead, he's not. Just keep running
3. If you are lucky enough to find a cop halfway through the night, it's a safe bet he is crazy too
2. Ouija boards are not a joke, especially at night, in the dark, in a haunted house.

And the number one tip

If you hear a chainsaw running, don't bother asking "Who's there?"

On a completely unrelated post my ankle is much better. I ended up calling the doctor's office to see if I needed to go in. It started turning purple and I had a fingernail do that once and it fell off, so I figured I'd better be safe. The nurst of course laughed when I mentioned that but did say if my foot fell off to pick it up and give them a ring. So far it hasn't, but if you happen to notice a left size 10 by the road, grab it for me just in case......

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