Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Birthdays

Some of you may know my sisters' birthday is coming up this week. As a Halloween baby we were always a little scared of her, you know since she could be part vampire, werewolf or demon.

Now just because you were born this time of year, doesn't mean you are Satan's spawn. I mean you very well may be, but being born near Halloween doesn't prove it.

And in case you were worried, here are the top ten ways to tell...

10. Your teeth are incredibly sharp, for no real reason
9. Your favorite outfit involves a cape
8. Instead of birthday cake, you crave human flesh, or raw meat
7. Every year on your birthday list is the latest model of coffin
6. You screamed like Frankenstein's monster when you saw your first birthday cake with candles on it.
5.Your eyes glow red, even when you're sleeping
4. When you started walking to school, you learned to cross the street to avoid walking past the church
3. You love to go camping, in the cemetery
2. You're favorite Saturday morning show isn't Scooby Doo, It's a Tivo version of Texas Chainsaw Masacre
1. When asked what your favorite color is, instead of blue or pink you reply in a guttural voice "I like red, dark red like the color that comes out of a persons veins as they gasp for their last breath". Ok dude that's just messed up coming from a 4 year old...