Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween survival tips

I happened to watch Halloween 4 last night and realized people just don't know how to deal with scary things. So if you find yourself in a horror movie try to remember these handy tips.....

10. If one of you ends up missing - don't split up to look
9. Don't scream, when you are trying to hide.
8. You will always drop the weapon you have when you need it most, and your perfectly running car will not start either.
7. It's always behind you. If your back's to the wall, it will go through it
6. Begging for your life to a psychotic killer only makes him or her laugh. Save your breath, it may be your last
5. Don't go to the basement, it's not safe. Of course the whole house isn't safe so maybe that doesn't matter
4. Never check to see if the monster is dead, he's not. Just keep running
3. If you are lucky enough to find a cop halfway through the night, it's a safe bet he is crazy too
2. Ouija boards are not a joke, especially at night, in the dark, in a haunted house.

And the number one tip

If you hear a chainsaw running, don't bother asking "Who's there?"

On a completely unrelated post my ankle is much better. I ended up calling the doctor's office to see if I needed to go in. It started turning purple and I had a fingernail do that once and it fell off, so I figured I'd better be safe. The nurst of course laughed when I mentioned that but did say if my foot fell off to pick it up and give them a ring. So far it hasn't, but if you happen to notice a left size 10 by the road, grab it for me just in case......

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sprained ankle

Well I managed to twist my ankle this weekend rock climbing. Well rock climbing is a bit of a stretch, at least what most people would consider rock climbing. You see I was actually trying to get a bucket of water out of the lake to prime the stupid water pump when I tripped going down over the rocks and twisted my ankle.

Technically, there were rocks, I was climbing down them and lets be honest, it sounds much cooler and manly saying "rock climbing" than fetching a bucket of water. I mean otherwise it sort of sounds like a "Jack and Jill" spinoff.

Richie Rich went down the hill
to get a pail of water
he fell down
but had no crown
and now needs crutches

Ok yeah that does suck, but I never claimed to be a poet.

Someone suggested I have someone look at it. While I didn't go to the hospital or the Dr's office. I looked at it and it seems OK. I know I'm not a doctor, but my handwriting's really bad so that's' got to count for something.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I got to go to the Big Apple last week for work and I must admit it's a little different than my small town in Maine. Some of the major differences are.

Traffic lights
In Maine we have traffic lights, contrary to popular opinion, in fact in my town we have two of them. They are even the upgraded ones that change color from red to green to yellow, not just the blinkers we used to have. In NYC though they have lights all over the place, even some for people telling them when they can cross the street.

Ayuh we got these in Maine too, some are even the cool ones that you don't even need to leave the car to eat. Some are the fancy ones with printed out menus and some of the real fancy ones even have cloth napkins. In NYC though, every block had dozens of places to eat. Most of them I have no idea what it is I would have been eating, so I avoided them. One of my cardinal rules is, if you don;t know what 50% of the menu is, you shouldn't be there.

I know Maine nightlife seems like an oxymoron, but there are things to do in Maine after hours. You can have a bonfire, go visit friends, do chores like shovel snow, or chip ice, go to sleep, the options aren't exactly endless, but there are things to do. In NYC though you can apparently do anything at any hour. They had places open even past 9:00 when I went to sleep. Heck I bet some of them were open till damn near midnight.

I don't usually get car sick, but Holy Crap, cabby's and drivers in general are nuts down there. I mean I've been known to swerve and cross lanes, but only to avoid a chicken in the road, or a moose. They switch lanes just for practice I think, which would be fine, if there weren't cars already in the lane they wanted to suddenly move to. And what's up with the horns? I'm pretty sure you could disable a car by disconnecting the horn. People wouldn't know how to drive in the city without one. In Maine I use my horn to say "Hi neighbor!", in NYC I'm pretty sure, based on the hand and finger gestures, it means something different.

Overall it was nice to see, much different than I'm used to. The people were interesting, though I think I insulted the cab driver once or twice. He knew it was my first time to NYC so wanted to show me some sights. "and this is central park...".
I should have just ooohed and aahhed, but instead I blurted out "Really trees and grass? I've seen those before". Whoops.