Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Paris the coke addict?

OK I know people are innocent until proven guilty but I sort of think in the recent Paris Hilton case a better saying is "stupid is as stupid does".

I'm sorry but if I'm going to carry around a gram of coke in my pocket the last thing in the world I would do in front of a cop is take ANYTHING out of my pockets for fear of it being seen. I don;t carry around a man purse, but I'm pretty sure if I did the same rule would apply.

I'm sure some of you are saying, "Well it's not Paris' fault. She's blonde". To you I say that's, uhm, well not sexist, not racist, hairist?

I mean some of my best friends are blondes. One in particular was explaining to me that blondes really aren't stupid.

"OMG Rich, like, blondes are just as smart as other people. In fact 85% of blondes are just am smart as other people with hair colors. The other 25% are just misunderstood".

Uhm OK thanks for clearing that up. :)