Friday, March 26, 2010

Investment opportunities

Ok I know I am usually not very serious on this, but this time I am.

I have two investment opportunities for people, and while I'm not suggesting you take advice from a facebook post or the internet in general, they are interesting and you should do your own due diligence.

OK The first one is a Boston data center company. They are very close to profitable, in fact they have existing customers already in and more on the way that get them to monthly positive cash flow. They are still looking for investors (and customers) so if you know anyone let me know and I can fill you in.

If high tech isn't your thing, I also got an email from Captain Carl Fismer, or Fizz, one of my fathers old treasure hunting buddies, looking to sell off a chunk of the "Taj Mahal treasure" which Arthur C Clark actually found back before he wrote 2001 a space odyssey. He is selling this for 150k, and it includes a large clump of coins, plus 350 loose ones. The loose ones can probably be sold for $175k which means you get the clump for free. If you are interested in this one I'd be glad to put you in touch with Fizz. Again, do your own due diligence, but since Fizz is the leading expert on this treasure and it was recently shown on Pawn Stars, I'm sure this is legit. There are actually only three pieces of the treasure, one is in the Smithsonian, one in Arthur C Clarks museum and this one. This is the only one for sale.

If you want any more details shoot me an email or leave a comment.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I should know better but....

I should know better but sometimes I still say something stupid. One of my friends at work has been real sick the last few days and she finally came into work. Notice I didn’t say she worked, but she came in so I’ll give credit where it’s due. I was talking to her and she sounded awful, before I could think to stop myself I said “Wow you sound like crap”. Clearly I set myself up for her reply which was
“Really, do you want to comment on how I look too?”

Now I’m not sure there is a correct response for this. I think the best you can hope for is that she is medicated enough to forget you were there, or at least think it was someone else. If you stick to that story you may have a chance.

I do however know many wrong responses including

1. “I figured you had enough children screaming when they saw you that I didn’t need to comment”
2. “Actually I like the ancient greek look, medusa is it?”
3. Just smiling and saying nothing doesn’t work either…
4. “No I figured you just had a long day, as a stand-in for zombieland”
5. “Really I thought you normally look like this”
6. “No, hablo Inglés hablo español” This may work, if she doesn’t speak Spanish. If she does you’re screwed.
7. When a woman is sick it is never the time to try a line such as “Hey baby, want to use my thermometer”, actually you should never try that line anyway…

Friday, March 5, 2010

Child raising tips....

Many people have suggested that since I don't have children, I may not be the best one to give advice on raising them. Now there is some logic to that, but I point out to obvious flaws.

1. While I am not aware of any children, the reality is there could be little me's running around that I am unaware of.

2. I was once a child myself and am still very immature....

So there.

That said here are the top nine. I'm sure there is another one, but it's Friday afternoon and it's been a long week....

9. Don’t be afraid to medicate your kids if they won't settle down, I mean why else would they have "Children's Benadryl"?

8. You can't put them in a small dog crate. Use a big one

7. Teach them the value of a dollar. That way they are more likely to stop spending yours and more likely to pick up that quarter

6. If you have them in sports and don't keep score they will learn math. Kids always keep score. Adults are the ones that hate to lose

5. Sharing is one of those must learn early lessons, otherwise you will always have to pay for your halloween candy

4. Children should have chores to earn their allowance not for any real lesson but they are the cheapest legal labor you will find

3. If you teach them they can do anything too soon they will quickly figure out they can outsmart you

2. Silence is your friend. Ask if they want to admit and then wait. They'll sing like a rabid parakeet

But the number one tip is
Teaching your child how to swim by throwing them off the dock and into the water can backfire, especially if you don't look for cops first.