Monday, September 14, 2009

Things that make you wonder

If you want to lose twice as much weight, can't you just eat both weight watchers and nutrisystem?

I know stay at home moms have it hard. I mean they do all the housework, cook the food, raise the kids. It really is a full time job. I get it, but why do they get so mad when you give them a performance review?

Sort of makes you wonder.....

“Honey, cheer up, just because you can’t touch your ankles any more at least soon your boobs will”. Even if it's true, don't say it. In fact especially if it's true don't say it.

and one final thought for the day.....

Relationships are hard. Guys, we think we are being helpful but we aren’t. My ex-wife was an animal lover and said she wanted to be buried out back with the pets. Being a nice guy, I decided to surprise her and went out back and dug a hole. I was three feet down when she came out
“What the hell are you doing? I meant when I died, are you a complete idiot?”
“Nope” I replied, “just a wishful thinker” and that’s when the fight started...

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