Thursday, June 10, 2010

Has it really been 2 months since I posted something???

OK. So I have two interns that just graduated, and being my usual helpful self, I thought I should share some of my hard earned wisdom. So here are the

Ten things I wish someone had told me when I graduated.....

10. It is better to get fired for doing something than for doing nothing

9. There are no extremes things can always get better and worse

8. Always ask out the beautiful girl. The worst case is she says no in which case you are no worse off than before, unless of course you get nervous and wet yourself in front of the whole class and everyone starts calling you "piddle pants", but that's usually pretty rare.....

7. The odds of doing something you see done on television is very low

6. Never invest more than you can afford to lose

5. You don't have to be faster than the zombies just faster than the guy behind you

4. Don't lick a frozen metal pole even if they triple dog dare ya...

3. It is much easier to be sober and pretend to be drunk than it is to be drunk trying to pretend to be sober

2. Car surfing is always a bad idea

1. An ab belt will not replace exercise but if you try it, record it and post it to youtube for the rest of us to laugh it. All that laughing may help our abs....

PS (Special thanks to Scotty M for doing at least 1/3 of the stupid things on this list)

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