Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hey Fatso

So 1 out of 5 4 year olds are already obese...
17 percent of people aged 2-19 in the United States are obese...
10 percent of kids aged 2-5 are obese...
Now somethiing like half of our pets are fat too.

And the government is no real help either. I mean sure they outlawed trans fat in NYC and some other major cities, but is that really up to the goevernment and does that suddenly mean you can eat whatever you want?

Probbaly not. Frankly the fact that the government is trying to help usually means it's going to get worse, and cost us more in taxes to make it so.

What's needed is a diet that people can stick on, not rules outlawing things we like. I mean didn't we learn from prohibition and the drug wars? I really don't need to have Mexican French Fry Lords pushing the good tasting trans fat. (No offense to Mexico, Mexican drug lords, or any drug lords for that matter).

Luckily you can now get the last diet you will ever need, yup The Casselberry Diet" is now available on cafepress. For only $8.99 you can learn how to make your body healthy, save on oil and reduce greenhouse gases. It'll be on kindle too soon, just not quite yet.

And let's be honest with all that crazy shit going on in the mid-east we aren't going to have oil much longer, so we might was well reduce our usage of it while we can....

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